The Science Behind Dealcoholized Sparkling Wine

A Sober Sip of Innovation

At Glimmer Wine, we are committed to crafting beverages that everyone can enjoy, regardless of their alcohol preference.

Dealcoholized sparkling wine starts its life much like any traditional wine. Grapes are harvested, crushed, and fermented. However, it's the post-fermentation process that sets dealcoholized wines apart.

The Basics of Dealcoholized Sparkling Wine

Dealcoholized sparkling wine starts its life much like any traditional wine. Grapes are harvested, crushed, and fermented. However, it's the post-fermentation process that sets dealcoholized wines apart.

Dealcoholization Techniques

  1. Vacuum Distillation:

    This method involves heating the wine under a vacuum, allowing the alcohol to evaporate at lower temperatures than water. This helps preserve the delicate flavors and aromas that are often lost at higher temperatures.

  2. Reverse Osmosis:

    Wine is forced through a membrane that separates alcohol and other components from the wine. The alcohol-free liquid is then blended with other elements, excluding the alcohol, to retain flavor.

  3. Spinning Cone Column:

    This technique uses centrifugal force and a vacuum to separate volatile compounds and alcohol from the wine at low temperatures. The flavors are captured and later reintroduced to the alcohol-free base.

Fermentation Adjustments:

Unlike traditional wines, the fermentation process for dealcoholized versions may be adjusted to minimize alcohol creation from the start. This involves controlling the yeast strains used and the fermentation duration to ensure that only minimal alcohol levels are produced, which are then removed.

Flavor Enhancement:

After dealcoholization, dealcoholized sparkling wines often undergo a phase of flavor enhancement. Since some flavors are inherently tied to the presence of alcohol, natural grape musts, juices, or a combination of flavor compounds are carefully blended in to enrich the bouquet and palate.

The Role of Carbonation:

Carbonation is added to dealcoholized sparkling wines to mimic the natural effervescence produced by fermentation in traditional sparkling wines. This not only contributes to the sensory experience but also enhances the overall mouthfeel and aroma of the wine.

At Glimmer Wine, We believe that everyone deserves a toast, and with our dealcoholized sparkling wines, you can indulge in the celebration without compromise. Our innovative processes ensure that every bottle of Glimmer Wine delivers the sophistication and pleasure of traditional sparkling wine, with the alcohol removed.

Whether you're a teetotaler, pregnant, driving, or simply choosing to abstain, Glimmer Wine is here to make your special moments sparkle.


Discovering the Grapes Behind Dealcoholized Sparkling Wines


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